PCYC brings new members into the club from February until June of each year. All applications must be in by May 1 to be considered for that year. Applications sent in after May 1 will be considered for entry in February to following year.
Thank you for considering making PCYC part of your boating experience.
If you would also like more information about PCYC please fill out this form below and our membership committee will reach out to you soon. Membership applications may be mailed to PCYC or hand delivered during business hours at the club’s bar. Once received, our membership committee will be in contact with you.
Frequently asked questions:
Does PCYC offer slips for my boat right away?
No. PCYC puts all members on a waiting list for a slip. We have 350 members and 165 slips. Many members do not have boats however. It can take anywhere from 5-12+ years for a permanent slip to be offered to you but once you get one you will quickly see it is well worth the wait. The slip wait time is highly dependent on boat size. Width is the key element even more so than length. We have a 165 slips but only 12 or so slips which will hold a 14’ wide boat. Keep this in mind. 10’ is a sweet spot. We have a lot of 11’-12’s too. 13’+ adds years to your wait but we feel it is still worth it. PCYC is still the only not for profit member-owned club for miles with docks.
What about winter storage?
Similar to getting a slip, PCYC places all members on a list as they join. It will take years, but when your name is finally called you will be able to enjoy winter rates unheard of in the area. We also have on site hauling for trailering or off-site haul away.
Does PCYC offer moorings in Salem Harbor?
No. Contact the Salem Harbormaster today and get on the waitlist with the City of Salem. The list is free to be placed on. Moorings can be rented in the meantime from Hawthorne Cove/Brewer Marina and our launch will bring you there until you are able to get your own. We also allow new members to put a dinghy under 12’ on the docks here to bring yourself out if you prefer.
Can I keep my boat in a slip once in a while?
Absolutely. Early in the year we have many openings where non-slip holders can speak to the dockmaster at the club and arrange to stay in those spots for $9 a night including electricity and water. Come June, those spots begin to fill up and things get a bit tighter but you still have a few options. Contact the dockmaster to see what they may have available for a night or more; or make use of our General Tie up section. General Tie Up is a run of ten large slips available to members on a first come first serve basis with no reservation. If one is open, come on in! You will be recorded there for each overnight and billed at the end of each month. Please remember, when you leave a general tie up slip you must bring all your lines and fenders etc with you as you are not guaranteed that slip will be open when you return. During the busier part of summer a three straight overnight limit is often enforced if general tie up is filled. PCYC is fairly well protected, however, general tie up slips are outward facing and in our roughest waters. General tie up slip boats are required to be be check on by the owner each day and are the first boats to be removed from the marina in the event of a bad storm. Be prepared to be called to move your boat in a few hours if in those slips.
What’s the parking like?
PCYC has ample parking with the help of our neighbors. We have three large lots on site. We have a friendly agreement with Harbor Sweets across the street (be sure to stop in and buy some goodies, you will not regret it) and Shetland Properties rents us 60 additional spaces inside their gate to the left along the iron fence. One car per member is allowed on our actual property on weekends. Guests can use the street or Shetland. To our knowledge, Shetland parking has not filled up once. Cars are always welcome to drive close, drop off supplies and people before going to Shetland if needed. In the Harbor Sweets lot, parking is allowed on nights and weekends only. On Saturdays, the PCYC members and guests are not allowed to park against the Harbor Sweets building until after 6PM as they are open for business on Saturdays and need spots for their customers. During weekdays, the Harbor Sweets employees need the whole lot during business hours so please park elsewhere.
What is the guest policy at PCYC?
Guests are welcome. We have no limit to the number at one time but use best judgment. If you plan to use the lounge with 20 guests a call to the rear commodore with a head’s up would be good. Members must be at the club with their guests, no exceptions. Members are responsible for their guests behavior. Guests are welcomed to park in Shetland parking area. Guests inside the bar area must be signed in by the member even if not drinking. The book is kept with the bartender. Members must be with their guest if the guest is at the bar. (Don’t go have a boat nap while your guests are at the bar is the spirit of the rule.) Spouses are welcomed to use the clubhouse as if they were the member. The members does not have to be with their spouse if they come down. Members are given two door fobs and are welcome to give their second one to their spouse or child to come and go. Please note, rule 31: A son or daughter under 21, with permission of the member parent, may take a member's boat into or out of the marina unattended. No son or daughter 21 or over, or other non-member, may take a member's boat in or out of the marina unless a member is present.
Are their special rules for children?
Yes. Children under 12 must wear a lifejacket on the docks. All children in the hall/ lounge area must be under adult/ parental supervision especially if playing pool. After 9:30 p.m. children must be down on your boat or off the property unless we are having a children focused event. PCYC is proud to be a kid friendly club but please understand there is a bar at PCYC and adults sometimes need some time off. Children may also take their member parent’s boat out provided the parent knows and approves of course. If the child is 21 or older they must join PCYC in order to use their parent’s boat. PCYC has quite a few members who were the children of members and even some who are grandchildren of members. When a member reaches at least his or her tenth year of continuous membership in good standing, one child per year who is 21 years of age shall be entitled to apply for membership within his or her 21st year. The one-time Initiation Fee shall be waived.
How about dogs? Are they welcome?
Of course! Well behaved dogs are welcome on the deck and docks outside. When the pups are off your boat they will need to be on a leash.
What are the building’s hours?
PCYC building is open early in the morning until last call in the Summer. The bar is open at 11 a.m. for food and drinks. For you early fishermen and women, ice is available 24/7 from the ice machines outside. Restrooms and showers are available in the rear of the building 24/7 during spring to fall.
It’s hot out, can I come down for a swim off the docks?
No. For numerous safety reasons there is no swimming off the docks or off boats on the docks at PCYC and most marinas and clubs. This rule is strictly enforced.
Do you have 20 minute tie up areas at PCYC?
We have three easy to pull up areas for members to pick up guests, supply for a cruise, wash down, fill up with ice or water (fuel filling is NOT allowed on the docks) or even to just hang out and have a cocktail at the bar or some lunch inside or on the deck. Most days we are not strict with the 20 minute rule but do not go far from the boat on busy weekends without letting someone know please.